Grand Master Mason
The Rev'd Cannon J J Morrow

Grand Master Mason

Bro. The Rev'd Canon J J Morrow


On November 25th. 2004,  Bro Rev Canon J J Morrow entered the Grand Lodge of Scotland Hall of Fame when he became The Most Worshipful The Grand Master Mason of Scotland at the Installation in George Street, Edinburgh.


For further information on the Grand Master you can either go to the Grand Lodge of Scotland Website,the Lodge Camperdown 317 Website (The GM's Mother Lodge), or click the following link that will take you to The 317 Newsletter Special.


Some Brethren from St. Andrew 518 with the Grand Master Mason


This photograph was taken at the recent Installation at Lodge Camperdown 317.


From L-R

Bro. Duncan Russell / RWM Bro. David Gillies / The Grand Master / PM Bro. John Southworth / PM Bro. Eric Grant.